This document has been prepared to inform users/visitors who read news on Neta Haber.
Neta Haber cares about the data of its visitors as much as news security and respects their privacy.
The private data of any user who reads, visits or browses through www.netahaber.com is not recorded. Since Neta Haber does not have a membership system, information such as your name and surname, postal address, date of birth, gender, telephone number, e-mail address is not requested. Visitors’ site usage data can only be recorded anonymously in order to improve the site browsing experience.
Anonymously recorded data; It can be used to provide statistical information in system development processes and can be shared with third parties and organizations.
The accuracy of the data requested when commenting on the news on www.netahaber.com is the responsibility of the user. Neta Haber does not confirm or control the accuracy of the data. The content of the comment is the responsibility of the user and Neta Haber does not accept responsibility. Neta Haber has the right not to publish comments containing unlawful and unethical discourses against the reputation, rights, commercial or personal identity of another person or institution. In case the comment causes legal action, Neta Haber reserves the right to share the information with the relevant authorities. Neta Haber does not accept any responsibility if the person is subject to legal action or is involved in the process or suffers any damage due to his comments.
We would be happy to receive your suggestions, evaluations and complaints with us.
You can send your suggestions and opinions to us at info@skalaajans.com.